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On-Demand Self Study Online → Oil (ON-DEMAND)

A Basic Overview of Petrochemicals (ON-DEMAND) - BOP

An Introduction to Catalysts (ON-DEMAND) - CATS

Aromatics Technology and Markets (ON-DEMAND) - ATM

Basic Overview of Energy Futures (ON-DEMAND) - BOF

Basic Overview of Energy Hedging (ON-DEMAND) - BOH

Basic Overview of Energy Options (ON-DEMAND) - BOO

Brent Market Fundamentals  (ON-DEMAND) - BMF

Canadian Oil Sands (ON-DEMAND) - COS

Chemistry in the Petroleum Refinery (ON-DEMAND) - CR

Crude Oil in Latin America (ON-DEMAND) - COLA

Downstream Distribution in the Oil Industry (ON-DEMAND) - DDO

Downstream Oil Business (ON-DEMAND) - DSOB

Fundamentals of the Upstream Oil & Gas Industry (ON-DEMAND) - FUOG

Hedging with Futures and Options (ON-DEMAND) - HFO

Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production (ON-DEMAND) - HCEP

Introduction to Blockchain and Energy Market Applications (ON-DEMAND) - ITB

Introduction to Commodity Derivatives (ON-DEMAND) - ICD

Introduction to Credit Risk Management (ON-DEMAND) - ICRM

Introduction to Derivative Markets and Trading (ON-DEMAND) - IDMT

Introduction to Forwards and Swaps (ON-DEMAND) - IFS

Introduction to Global Oil Supply (ON-DEMAND) - GOS

Introduction to Lubricants (ON-DEMAND) - ILUB

Introduction to Oil Shipping (ON-DEMAND) - IOS

Introduction to Petroleum Chemistry (ON-DEMAND) - IPC

Introduction to Refinery Economics (ON-DEMAND) - IRE

Introduction to Shipping Contracts (ON-DEMAND) - ISC

Introduction to the Aviation Fuels Market (ON-DEMAND) - IAFM

Introduction to the Biofuels Industry (ON-DEMAND) - BFI

Introduction to the Crude Oil Trading Market (ON-DEMAND) - COTM

Introduction to the Oil Industry (ON-DEMAND) - IOI

Introduction to Trading (ON-DEMAND) - ITT

Introduction to Trading Risk Control (ON-DEMAND) - ITRC

Letters of Credit (ON-DEMAND) - LOC

Mexican Energy Reform – US Export Opportunities (ON-DEMAND) - MER

Negotiating Skills for Energy Professionals (ON-DEMAND) - NS

Net Zero: Concepts and Commitments for the Global Transition (ON-DEMAND) - NZ

North American Crude-by-Rail (ON-DEMAND) - NACR

Oil Pricing Mechanisms (ON-DEMAND) - OPM

Oil Storage Overview (ON-DEMAND) - OSO

Oil Trading Operations (ON-DEMAND) - TOPS

Options Strategies (ON-DEMAND) - OS

Overview of Gasoline & Diesel Quality (ON-DEMAND) - FQO

Overview of Global Fracking (ON-DEMAND) - OGF

Overview of North American Energy Pipelines (ON-DEMAND) - ONAP

Overview of Sustainable Fuels (ON-DEMAND) - OSF

Overview of the Ethanol Market (ON-DEMAND) - OEM

Overview of the Global LPG Market (ON-DEMAND) - GLPG

Overview of the Oil Value Chain (ON-DEMAND) - OVC

Petroleum Products Trading (ON-DEMAND) - PPT

Petroleum Refining Made Easy (ON-DEMAND) - PR

Retail Fuels Pricing Management at Franchisee Operated Service Stations (ON-DEMAND) - RFPM

Terminals - Storage and Blending Opportunities (ON-DEMAND) - TSBO

The Geopolitics of Oil (ON-DEMAND) - GEOP

The US Rack Market (ON-DEMAND) - RACK

Understanding Basis and Correlation Risk (ON-DEMAND) - TCR

Understanding Energy Commodity Risk (ON-DEMAND) - UCR

Understanding the Value-At-Risk Concept (ON-DEMAND) - UVAR

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