Understanding Energy Commodity Risk (ON-DEMAND) - UCR
Course Summary
This online training course provides participants with a comprehensive introduction to the key risks faced by firms in the energy markets, how they measure them, and the strategies they use to control them.
It is designed for professionals who are new to energy firms or their trading and risk management departments, as well as for those in business functions that periodically interact with trading and risk management activities, such as corporate finance, planning, and internal audit. The emphasis is on understanding key concepts and demystifying the terminology used by trading and risk professionals. Coverage of financial mathematics is kept to a minimum.
Course Content
You will learn to:
- Distinguish between the major categories of risk common to all business enterprises, as well as the specific financial risks that impact energy companies
- Recognize risk related topics from terminology used by energy industry professionals
- Point out what market volatility is, and how it is used to quantify risk
- Identify the key roles and responsibilities for managing risk within a company
- Identify the four major types of risk communication tools, and information that they provide to users
Practice exercises and self-assessment quizzes are included to help reinforce key topics introduced throughout the course.
A comprehensive final test will be given at the end of the course.
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