Retail Fuels Pricing Management at Franchisee Operated Service Stations (ON-DEMAND) - RFPM
Course Summary
Retail Fuels Pricing Management at Franchisee Operated Service Stations is an online training course that explains essential business practices and procedures in retail fuels pricing at franchise operated service stations. Although the management of fuels pricing is the focal point and targeted outcome of the course, such pricing decisions depend on the consideration of a number of factors which will also be dealt with. Objective fuels pricing decisions depend on a reliable structured professional management process and analysis, not impulse or instinct. The macro and micro management of the matter as well as influencing factors are explained. The course principles are suitable for global, national and local application, providing the nature of the market in which the process to be applied has been correctly identified, and all relevant legal obligations are complied with.
Course Content
You will learn to:
- Recognise how to evaluate a market place (this is the mainly the responsibility of the franchisor, but franchisees need to be familiar with the process)
- Point out in what circumstances fuels franchising would be adopted as a retail service station management mode and why
- Identify the principles of retail fuels franchising and the obligations of a franchisor and of a franchisee
- Select the policies, practices and procedures that must be developed and adhered to in order for businesses to succeed with this mode of retail service station management
- Identify the critical success factors for the fuels pricing franchise management mode
Practice exercises and self-assessment quizzes are included to help reinforce key topics introduced throughout the course.
A comprehensive final test will be given at the end of the course.
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