mennta energy solutions

Complete Course Library → Power

Advanced Derivatives Pricing, Hedging and Risk Management (CLASSROOM) - DPH3

Advanced Derivatives Pricing, Hedging and Risk Management (VIRTUAL) - DPH3V

Basic Overview of Energy Futures (ON-DEMAND) - BOF

Basic Overview of Energy Hedging (ON-DEMAND) - BOH

Basic Overview of Energy Options (ON-DEMAND) - BOO

Combined Cycle Power Generation (ON-DEMAND) - CCPG

Comprehending the Coal Industry (ON-DEMAND) - CCI

Credit, Liquidity and Counterparty Risk Management in Energy Trading (CLASSROOM) - LCRM

Credit, Liquidity and Counterparty Risk Management in Energy Trading (VIRTUAL) - LCRMV

Energy Options Applications and Strategies (CLASSROOM) - OAS

European Gas and Power Trading (CLASSROOM) - EGPT

European Power Markets and Infrastructure (ON-DEMAND) - EPMI

Front to Back Office: Trading Controls, Risk Measurement and Modelling (CLASSROOM) - FTBOE

Front to Back Office: Trading Controls, Risk Measurement and Modelling (VIRTUAL) - FTBOEV

Fundamentals of Technical Analysis (CLASSROOM) - TA

Hedging with Futures and Options (ON-DEMAND) - HFO

Hydrogen’s Role in Decarbonization (VIRTUAL) - IHE

Impact of Renewables on Power Markets (ON-DEMAND) - IRPM

Intermediate Derivatives Markets, Hedging and Risk Management (CLASSROOM) - DPH2

Intermediate Derivatives Markets, Hedging and Risk Management (VIRTUAL) - DPH2V

Introduction to Blockchain and Energy Market Applications (ON-DEMAND) - ITB

Introduction to Commodity Derivatives (ON-DEMAND) - ICD

Introduction to Credit Risk Management (ON-DEMAND) - ICRM

Introduction to Derivative Markets and Trading (ON-DEMAND) - IDMT

Introduction to Derivatives Markets, Hedging and Risk Management (CLASSROOM) - DPH1

Introduction to Derivatives Markets, Hedging and Risk Management (VIRTUAL) - DPH1V

Introduction to Forwards and Swaps (ON-DEMAND) - IFS

Introduction to Hedging and Risk Management for Utilities (VIRTUAL) - PRM1V

Introduction to Hedging in Energy Markets (CLASSROOM) - IHEM

Introduction to Smart Grid in the United States (ON-DEMAND) - ISGUS

Introduction to the Power Industry (ON-DEMAND) - PI

Introduction to Trading (ON-DEMAND) - ITT

Introduction to Trading Risk Control (ON-DEMAND) - ITRC

Letters of Credit (ON-DEMAND) - LOC

Negotiating Skills for Energy Professionals (ON-DEMAND) - NS

North American Electricity Fundamentals (VIRTUAL) - NAEF

North American Gas and Power Trading and Risk Management (CLASSROOM) - NAGP

North American Gas and Power Trading and Risk Management (VIRTUAL) - NAGPV

North American Power Markets (ON-DEMAND) - NAPM

Options Strategies (ON-DEMAND) - OS

Overview of European Electric Power Markets (CLASSROOM) - EEP

Overview of European Gas and Power (VIRTUAL) - EGPV

Overview of European Natural Gas and Electric Power (CLASSROOM) - ENGP

Overview of Nuclear Power (ON-DEMAND) - ONP

Power Trading in Europe (ON-DEMAND) - PTE

Practical Portfolio and Risk Management for Utilities (CLASSROOM) - PRM2

Practical Portfolio and Risk Management for Utilities (VIRTUAL) - PRM2V

Real Options and Simulation in Energy Markets (CLASSROOM) - DPH4


The Coal and Electricity Value Chain (CLASSROOM) - CEVC

The Core Skills of Energy Project Management (CLASSROOM) - CSPM

Understanding Basis and Correlation Risk (ON-DEMAND) - TCR

Understanding Energy Commodity Risk (ON-DEMAND) - UCR

Understanding the Value-At-Risk Concept (ON-DEMAND) - UVAR

US Gas and Power Market Manipulation: Recognizing Potential Trading Violations (LIVE VIRTUAL) - MMTV

Value-at-Risk: The Basics and Beyond (CLASSROOM) - VAR

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