Power Trading in Europe (ON-DEMAND) - PTE
Course Summary
Power Trading in Europe is an online training course that provides an overview of the power trading market in Europe, covering the trading markets and exchanges, traded instruments, impact of liberalisation and power price drivers. You’ll learn the different motivations for trading. We’ll review the fundamentals of the market, including the factors driving electricity prices. You’ll understand how liberalisation has changed the structure of the power market in Europe. We’ll also cover the different types of power trading instruments, the major markets and exchanges. Finally this course will provide an overview of the outlook for the European power trading market.
Course Content
You will learn to:
- Identify the different motivations for trading
- Select the fundamentals of the power market and the key drivers of electricity prices
- Recognize how liberalization has changed the power industry in Europe
- Identify the various types of power instruments traded
- Identify the major power trading markets in Europe, including power exchanges
- Point out the outlook for the European power trading market
Practice exercises and self-assessment quizzes are included to help reinforce key topics introduced throughout the course.
A comprehensive final test will be given at the end of the course.
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