Date | Time | Location | Price* | Registration Deadline** |
*Prices do not include VAT, GST, or any other local taxes. All applicable taxes will be added to the invoice.
**Please register by the deadline to help us ensure sufficient attendance and avoid postponing the course.
The LNG shipping sector has also been evolving rapidly in recent years in response to accelerated growth in the international gas markets and - as in other parts of the LNG supply chain - technological innovation is seen as the means of optimising costs and increasing cargo outturn. New players have entered the LNG shipping business and the LNG industry is increasingly looking for more flexible shipping arrangements. Larger ships, innovative ship designs, new containment and propulsion systems have been developed while safety and environmental factors remain foremost considerations in the construction and operation of these vessels.
This intensive three-day course is designed to take participants through all of the commercial, technical, operating, legislative and legal issues affecting the shipment of LNG from export to import terminal. This is accomplished through a combination of presentations, exercises and case studies under the direction of a team of expert speakers with practical experience of the LNG industry and shipping. The aim is to give participants the ability to assess opportunities and manage operational and commercial risks in LNG shipping.
This course on LNG shipping is presented in the context of the overall LNG supply chain:
LNG transportation accounts for 10% to 30% of total LNG supply chain costs from upstream gas production through to terminalling and regasification on the import side. It is central, both figuratively and physically, to the LNG supply chain and the safe, efficient execution of LNG supply contracts.
Please note: a laptop and up-to-date version of Office would be an advantage in order to engage in market data; however it is not essential.
What Will You Learn?
Delegates encouraged to attend include commercial and financial specialists, operators, planners and analysts working in shipping companies. In addition, sales, marketing and commercial personnel from LNG producers, suppliers and importers. For example, national producer companies, international oil and gas companies, utilities and industrial gas consumers are urged to attend. Port authorities and terminal operators, individuals and companies new to the LNG sector, bankers and lawyers advising on LNG and LNG shipping, terminal and supply projects, and regulators and government organisations having an interest in the LNG sector will find the course valuable.
LNG Consumption and Production Trends - The Drivers For Shipping
LNG Vessels and the Market
LNG Ship Design and Technical Considerations
LNG Ship Operating Costs
The Evaluation of Shipping Economics and Calculation of Freight Costs
The Impact of LNG Sales Agreements on Shipping
LNG Shipping Contracts
LNG Charter Parties
LNG Supply Chains, Ownership and Pricing Arrangements - Managing Risk and Optimising Value
LNG Marine Terminal Operations
LNG Shipping Game