Date | Time | Location | Price* | Registration Deadline** |
*Prices do not include VAT, GST, or any other local taxes. All applicable taxes will be added to the invoice.
**Please register by the deadline to help us ensure sufficient attendance and avoid postponing the course.
International Oil Trading - Advanced Techniques and Strategic Price Risk Management is a VIRTUAL instructor-led course presented by the energy training experts at Mennta Energy Solutions. This course covers the advanced trading techniques applicable to the management of price risk in international oil trading. Through case studies, delegates will learn the techniques involved in trading and how to address day-to-day problems of managing the price risk associated with the role of producer, refinery or consumer with an integrated trading position.
The course focuses on the key markets, pricing and the mechanisms involved in trading. Aspects of the various exposures encountered in trading are covered. Advanced trading instruments of swaps, CFDs and options are presented.
The content of TR2V is such that delegates who consider attending will ideally either be experienced in the basic principles of oil trading. Trading personnel who need to increase their knowledge of derivatives, personnel within the back or mid-offices, interacting daily with the trading function, staff who interface with the trading sector and require a better understanding of trading practice such as management accounting, controllers, treasury or supply functions and professionals in associated fields (e.g. legal and banking) who wish to increase their knowledge of practical derivatives used by the oil industry.
Product Trading
Crude Trading
Technical Analysis
Basis Risks
Introduction to Advanced Instruments
Traded Options
Trading Strategies