Date | Time | Location | Price* | Registration Deadline** |
*Prices do not include VAT, GST, or any other local taxes. All applicable taxes will be added to the invoice.
**Please register by the deadline to help us ensure sufficient attendance and avoid postponing the course.
International LPG Trading and Pricing- Supply, Shipping Contracts and Risk Management is a three-day instructor-led course presented by the energy training experts at Mennta Energy Solutions. This course aims to provide a thorough understanding of the international supply and economic factors affecting LPG marketing and trading. Presented in association with Richardson Lawrie Associates - a maritime economics and business consulting firm with extensive global practice in chemicals trade, shipping and transportation economics. The course will analyse "workshop style", the international production and consumption outlook, pricing fundamentals, logistical needs and the available tools for price risk management.
What You Will Learn
Please note: a laptop and up-to-date version of Office would be an advantage in order to engage in market data; however it is not essential.
This specialised course is for executives involved, directly or indirectly, with LPG supply, operations, shipping and international trading. Also, managers wanting a structured LPG business management training programme.
Worldwide Business and Supply Sources
Understanding the Market
Terminals and Storage
The Trading Business
Creative International Trading
LPG Pricing in World Markets
Price Risk Management
Case Studies