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Live Instructor-Led Virtual Course
Professional Development Credit Hours
There is no pre-requisite for this course.


Mary Jackson has over twenty-five years' experience in the energy industry. After university she began her career at BP, working in the information management group, before joining the Manufacturing, Supply and Trading department. She subsequently worked at Saladin as a consultant, working closely with clients throughout the world and providing consultancy advice on energy market analysis, trading and risk management. In several senior roles at Saladin, she managed the energy consulting team, ran the energy market information service and directed strategy for new software and information product development.

Since 2000, Mary has worked as an independent energy market consultant and she formed Kingston Energy Consulting with Nigel Harris in 2002. Kingston Energy provides consultancy services to companies involved in energy markets and trading. A key area of work has been the European natural gas market - Kingston Energy has researched and authored a well-respected report on European natural gas trading which has been published annually since 2004.

Mary has lectured regularly for Mennta Energy Solutions on energy markets, trading and risk management and is also a regular speaker and panel member at public conferences. She has written articles for industry publications including Harts Energy Markets, Energy Risk, Global Energy Business and Petroleum Review.

Nigel Harris is a director and principal consultant at Kingston Energy Consulting, which he founded with Mary Jackson in 2002. He has been helping energy traders to analyse and understand the markets for over 25 years, initially as a developer of market analysis software systems, and more recently as a consultant. At Kingston Energy Consulting, his main focus is on providing education and information transfer to participants in the energy trading business, through instructor-led classroom training, web-based training development, research projects, workshops, briefings and research-based report writing. In his work with Mennta Energy Solutions, he has created a library of new instructor-led and web-based courses on European gas and power markets and trading. In 2005, he worked with Mary Jackson to develop the popular Oil Trading Orientation course, which has since been presented at venues all over the world. He has also extensively revised and updated many existing courses on derivatives, hedging and risk management.  He regularly presents this material both at public venues and as in-house, often customised, courses. He is co-author of a series of highly regarded reports on European natural gas trading and has also contributed to reports on power markets and oil trading. In previous roles, he was a key member of the team that initially designed and developed Saladin's innovative Petroleum Analysis Workstation, a system that became an industry standard for historical price analysis during the 1990s and remained in use in the industry for two decades. During this period, he worked closely and extensively with oil and gas traders around the world to understand their information and analytical requirements. He also spent some years as an independent consultant, working mainly with software and information providers to help them better understand the oil and gas trading sectors.


NASBA: Mennta Energy Solutions is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site:

CPD Certification Services: The CPD Certification Service works with Mennta Energy Solutions to ensure valuable knowledge is structured to complement the universal guidelines of Continuing Professional Development. Mennta Energy Solutions courses are approved by CPD at one credit per training hour.

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Technology (VIRTUAL) - GDT1V

Course Schedule

Date Time Location Price* Registration Deadline**
13-16 May 2025
8:00am-11:00am (London) / 3:00pm-6:00pm (Singapore)
Zoom: Europe to Asia-Pacific
USD 1,990 (GDT1V-VILTAP25-05)
11 Apr 2025

*Prices do not include VAT, GST, or any other local taxes. All applicable taxes will be added to the invoice.
**Please register by the deadline to help us ensure sufficient attendance and avoid postponing the course.

Course Summary

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Technology is a VIRTUAL classroom course presented by the energy training experts at Mennta Energy Solutions.

This course covers gasoline and diesel fuel technology and how fuel specifications are evolving to meet vehicle and environmental needs.  It combines broad overviews of the background and future trends with sufficient technical detail for those actively involved with today's specification issues.

Presentations cover fundamentals of fuel combustion in gasoline and diesel engines, and how vehicles are evolving to provide lower emissions and fuel consumption: fuel specifications, their purpose and how they are developed; the tests used to measure fuel properties and how specifications are changing driven by vehicle developments and regulatory pressures including biofuels: an overview of refining processes, and the use of additives. The future outlook for alternative vehicles and fuels, as well as conventional vehicle developments will also be addressed.

This virtual solution is comprised of four live instructor-led sessions hosted on state-of-the-art training software with video, audio, chat, live polls, breakout sessions and much more!

Who Should Attend?

This course is for those who want to understand how fuels are produced and their performance controlled through specifications, and how vehicles and fuels are evolving to meet society's demands for improved environmental performance, including:

  • Personnel from the oil, biofuel, additive and motor industries
  • Staff involved with the quality, supply, refining, technical service and marketing of automotive fuels including use of additives.
  • Those involved in future planning including industry policy makers, legislators.

Course Content

  • Functions of road fuels
  • Principles of fuel quality
  • Fuel specifications:
    • Why they exist
    • Who sets specifications
    • What is specified
    • The development of current specifications
  • Fuels quality regulations
  • Refining of transport fuels:
    • The volume and quality shift from crude oil to refined products
    • Key units for producing gasoline and diesel, and the quality of their output
    • Refining challenges
  • Evolving vehicle technology and fuel specification developments
  • Regulatory pressures to limit vehicle emissions and increase fuel economy
  • Gasoline
    • Gasoline engine design and key aspects of fuel combustion
    • The quality requirements for gasoline
    • Key global gasoline specifications
    • How properties are measured and controlled, including octane, stability and volatility
    • Gasoline blending:
      • Typical blending components
      • Different approaches to linear blending
    • Oxygenates: different types, manufacture and properties
    • Gasoline additives
  • Diesel
    • Diesel engine design features and fuel combustion
    • Key global diesel specifications
    • How properties are measured and controlled, including cetane number, density, cold flow properties, lubricity, stability and volatility
    • Diesel blending
    • Diesel additives
    • The future of diesel emissions
  • Biofuels
    • Drivers for alternative fuels
    • Overview of biofuel production
    • Use of biofuels
    • Properties of biofuels
    • Quality issues
    • Biofuel mandates and regulations

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