Date | Time | Location | Price* | Registration Deadline** |
*Prices do not include VAT, GST, or any other local taxes. All applicable taxes will be added to the invoice.
**Please register by the deadline to help us ensure sufficient attendance and avoid postponing the course.
Shipping affects several aspects of a commodity including its marketing, supply, pricing, competition tactics and trading opportunities. Contracts can be complex, the legal and commercial implications profound. This live virtual instructor-led course provides insights into who is responsible for what, economic choices, common terminology, freight contracts and negotiations.
A range of non-specialist employees and consultants such as those who interact with their own shipping departments and shipping companies, marketing and business strategists and contracts specialists. Individual interests may reflect management issues or day to day business tactics and operations.
Ship Types, Characteristics and Trades
The Cast of Characters - Who Does What
The Voyage from Planning to Completion
Types of Freight Contract
How Rates are Reported
Sales and Shipping Contracts
Contract Terms, Charter Parties