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Price: $(USD) 291
Course Level
Delivery Method
On-Demand Self-Study Course
Professional Development Credit Hours
There is no pre-requisite for this course.


All on-demand self-study courses are written by members of our Faculty in their areas of expertise.


NASBA: Mennta Energy Solutions is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site:

CPD Certification Services: The CPD Certification Service works with Mennta Energy Solutions to ensure valuable knowledge is structured to complement the universal guidelines of Continuing Professional Development. Mennta Energy Solutions courses are approved by CPD at one credit per training hour.

Compressed Natural Gas (ON-DEMAND) - CNG

Course Summary

Compressed Natural Gas is an online training course that will examine the current and evolving market for compressed natural gas (CNG) fueled vehicles. While CNG fueled vehicles have experienced significant market penetration globally, their adoption in the US has been relatively modest due to the abundance of gasoline/diesel fuels, the limited availability of CNG fueled vehicles and the filling station infrastructure required to support these vehicles. The status of CNG fueled vehicles in the US has begun to change as corporations, local and federal governments and private individuals seek out lower cost and cleaner options than traditional gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.

Who Should Attend?

Course Content

You will learn to:

  • Recognize the scale and scope of the CNG fuel market
  • Identify the processes of locating and producing commercially viable quantities of natural gas
  • List the benefits of fueling vehicles with CNG as opposed to liquid fossil fuels
  • Identify CNG pricing and how it compares to crude oil based fuels
  • Differentiate between Fast-fill and Time-fill CNG dispensing methods
  • Distinguish between the different CNG filling station strategies, both those privately owned/operated and those open to the public
  • Point out how large fleets operated by shipping and logistics companies are converting their energy intensive operations to CNG-fueled vehicles


Practice exercises and self-assessment quizzes are included to help reinforce key topics introduced throughout the course.

A comprehensive final test will be given at the end of the course.

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